University of Houston Capstone Team 6 - Blog 4
University of Houston Capstone Team 6 - Blog 4 From the work period of November 11, 2023 - November 25, 2023 Seal Team 6 has completed the first three milestones and has started working on task 4a. In Milestone 1, the team kicked started off the project and define the constraints of the project with the SLB client. In Milestone 2, the team worked on the design feasibility evaluation where it evolved research and brainstorming different design models for the client. In Milestone 3, the team completed the 3D design analysis and present it to the client. During that process team 6 had to calculate the heat transfer of the chamber and the spring as well as ensuring the device is accumulated within the budget of the client. Team 6 is currently working on presenting the part list and equipment needed to manufacture the design. In order to start ordering the items on the bills of materials (BOM). After obtaining all the parts the team will work on assembling the components that will incl...